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SKYCITY recognised for pay equity



We’re delighted that long time Pivot Software client, SKYCITY Entertainment Group recently received a silver award in the inaugural YWCA Equal Pay Awards.
Judges said SKYCITY were deserving of the award because they “are investing extensively in technology that will help them put systems in place that ensure equal pay.”

SKYCITY is an entertainment and gaming business with venues throughout Australia and New Zealand.

“We have a strong focus on diversity in our business, including gender equity. It’s about having processes that are fair, that remove unconscious bias and reward strong performance,” says Evan Bateup, Group HR & Remuneration Manager for SKYCITY.

SKYCITY has worked with Pivot for a long time, and their system has been well accepted by managers and the remuneration team, says Evan. “Pivot really helped with this project, creating customised gender pay dashboards that meant information was right there in front of managers. In pay reviews there can always be a risk of unconscious bias, but making the information visible and front of mind for managers really makes it easier to address it and eliminate the risk of it occurring.”

“By using Pivot we could set expectations, we could communicate these and link it to wider company values that our managers buy into. Pivot enables managers to know how to do it, and that it works, and is being monitored and compared across the company.

Our managers have really stepped up, they understand it is the right thing to do for the business, and there is no good reason why you wouldn’t pay the same for the same job, and reward exceptional performance.”

As a publicly listed company, SKYCITY recognise that there is commercial value in this approach. “Women make up 50% of our workforce, so it is a key to our ongoing success, and to our ability to build a strong employment brand”, says Evan.

Evan says that since the Award was announced last month, the results of the last remuneration review have come out and they are very positive in terms of achieving pay equity. “We want to continue this journey, and ensure that pay equity and fairness continues to be delivered across every city, team and function in SKYCITY With Pivot we have the tools to enable that.”

Need to prove the case for remuneration technology in your business? Download our guide.

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