White Papers

Freedom to fly
This white paper explores why you shouldn’t have to compromise when it comes to HR technology in your business.

White paper: Back to basics with Performance Management
How to align individual performance with organisation objectives and boost productivity.
White paper: Why the death of performance reviews has been greatly exaggerated
Shifting the goal posts for performance management
White paper: Why RFP doesn't stand for 'Really Fun Process'
Making the RFP process deliver software solutions that support HR strategy.
White paper: Money Talks - But what is it saying to your best employees?
Five tips for creating incentive plans that reward talent and improve morale
White paper: Agile performance management - teaching elephants to dance?
The business environment we work in is changing fast and organisational goals are changing more quickly too - performance management needs to support that.
White paper - The Freedom to Fly
Why you shouldn’t have to compromise when it comes to HR technology in your business.